I have been facilitating free poetry and art workshops around the DMV area for the past three years with the theme of supporting healthy communities. I began collecting recycled materials to use in my personal artwork and started offering workshops to showcase why recycling is important and how to make functional pieces of art from found or household materials (here's a video from the event: https://www.facebook.com/dalila.brooks.395/videos/678280312965797). Inspired by the art classes and community trash pickups, I decided to host a poetry series called, "Trash Talk: Reconstructing Thoughts" to offer attendees an outlet for tying-in an educational series with an outlet for self-expression. Here's a list of the current scheduled events: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/luv-is-cool-245769. I would use the funding for materials, signage, marketing and promotional outreach efforts, transportation, light refreshments and documentation and advertisement for the final short-film project to be presented form the summer series of events.